By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Here's how you will be able to keep your household pets comfortable and content while you move to Little Rock--so at least somebody in the household is not a jittery wreck.
Felines tend to attach to locations more than people--tales of cats which go with the houses aren't necessarily apocryphal. They are a worry if they are outside cats and you are undertaking a long distance move--cats are known to depart the new home to go back "home". This isn't a real worry if you're heading around the block, otherwise, this can be a substantial concern.
Consider it--your felines will not rush to the door to go for an adventure every time you pick up your car keys; they may be completely content to continue sunning themselves on the windowsill--up to when you start packing and the windowsill is gone in back of a stack of cartons. Here's how to manage your cats.
· Contain free-range cats, beginning several weeks before you move to Little Rock. Get them used to staying indoors with you--if this means late-life cat litter box training, so be it. Entice them into a pet carrier for a few hours a day, to make sure that they are not yowling crazies after you place them in your car or truck. Take the cats out for short rides while you are doing errands--certainly in the carrier.
· Moving day, put the cat and all cat essentials within a area with the door closed. After the professional movers have loaded the trucks and you're all set to vacate, put your cat into the pet carrier. In the event your kitty does not travel well, your veterinarian may prescribe something, so she doesn't have a meltdown inside the car, consequently causing you along with the dog and the kids to have their own mini-meltdowns.
· Once you're installed in the new home, repeat the moving-out procedure for several days. Keep the cats confined in a room along with their stuff, whilst you cope with the commotion of moving, unpacking, and settling in. Even with inside cats, they're going to be more comfortable--and less inclined to illustrate their unhappiness by overlooking the litter box--if you hold on until you have settled in a little to let them to roam free inside your home.
· For outside cats, they will take some time to get accustomed to the new scents of the house and then to realize this is where their people are, before they should be let out to wander. Set some food outside to help remind them where home is.
Your pet dog just wants to be with you, however he'll almost certainly get nervous when you're troubled. Dog stress is greatest pre-move, so here's how to keep your dog comfortable and cool when you're losing your mind.
· Give plenty of time for packing, if you're packing yourself. Seeing a little bit of activity on a daily basis isn't a big problem; heading to doggie day camp for a day and coming back home to an empty house may freak him out.
· Remain in your typical schedule--walks, dinner, anything you do, keep doing it.
· Update the contact details if he's microchipped; you can usually go online to make those changes.
· At the new home, show him the backyard, take him out for a stroll, and make sure supper time is constant.
Fish, Hamsters, Birds
Secure the cages in the back of your car or truck or make use of a pet mover to transport them. As fish tanks and fish could be a obstacle to transport, you could think about donating the aqua-pets to an elementary school.
Get duplicates of the pet's vet files prior to when you move to Little Rock, so you will have the whole set of immunization records on hand if you want to board before you'll visit the new veterinarian.
Keeping the pets happy as you move to Little Rock will go a considerable way towards keeping you happy. Adhering to these guidelines will relieve the pressure of relocating the pets, at least.
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