Monday Night
Pack the bathroom, leaving only the toilet paper and your personal care regimen. Put a clear plastic container with lid in the bathroom. The last night, you will put your personal hygiene items and the toilet paper in the tub. It will go in the car with you.
After, pack up the basement & attic. If it's an huge job, you could need a little assistance, but getting it done is crucial. If the basement and attic aren't so bad, then get them finished and bring the packed boxes to the garage. If you can’t use the garage as your central box collection spot, then place them in one of the bedrooms you don't use every day. Clearly mark the boxes or clear plastic totes, so you will know where to put them when you move.
Tuesday Night
Pack the closets. Put in a few boxes things you won't use again or do not want. Place those to the side, because you will be dropping them off at a local donation center the next day. Clearly mark the rest of the boxes or clear plastic containers, so you will know where to put them in the new place.
Pack up the living room or one of the bedrooms or wherever you have your personal office. If you will not be using it, take apart the computer and its components or your laptop and tablet. Pack away any other office equipment such as your printer. Pack any books. If you won't be reading some of the books again, then pack them in the boxes to be donated. Clearly label the boxes or clear plastic totes for applicable placement in the new house.
Wednesday Night
Pack the bedrooms. Pack bed and bath (if you have one adjoining the bedrooms) items in clearly marked boxes or clear plastic tubs. Remember to take down the curtains or whatever kind of window treatments you have. You should launder everything that can be washed on the nights you pack the corresponding rooms. Your things will be fresh for the new house. If you purchased new things for the new residence, then pack the old things in the boxes to be donated.
Thursday Night
Pack up the kitchen. You can eat sandwiches on paper plates or carry out for the next couple days. Wash everything and pack it up. You could use your blankets and towels to place in between dishes. Put small vases and decorative bottles in socks. Wrap any paintings or decorative items such as candlesticks and photo frames in thick winter jackets... or you can use bubble wrap. Don’t forget to wash any kitchen linens like dish towels and cafe curtains prior to packing them in clearly marked boxes or clear plastic tubs for the new pad.
Friday Night
Last night in the old residence! Double check each room and its closet. If anything was not packed, pack it up. If all contents of the room have been moved to the garage or central box repository spot, close the room’s door, so the movers will know not to bother, which will be a big help. They will appreciate you for the help. Items you will need in the morning such as personal care items, breakfast foods and clothing for the next day should be put aside in a clear plastic tub.
Pack up your clothes, washing the dirty clothes. Triple check to make sure that all boxes and clear plastic containers are the garage or the central box repository location to make it easy on everyone who is helping to load the truck. Go through the garage items, packing away what will be going with you. Place in boxes things such as half-full paint cans, paint thinner, gasoline for the lawn mower and any other flammable things. Those will go with you in your vehicle, since the trash will not pick them up, nor can they go on the moving truck.
Pack up the garden tools, lawn mowers, deck furniture and any gardening things like bags of soil and pots. Make sure that all the packing is complete, then go to bed and get a good night’s sleep before moving day.
When you work long hours, it's difficult to find time to pack your belongings. Following this nightly guide will help get you packed up and ready for moving day. We hope it helps!